Monday, August 12, 2013

Homeschooling 101 - Part A - Remember These Ten

School starts soon!  I 'think' we have everything ready here!  Our co-op registration is tomorrow & I can't wait to catch up with friends there!

I've had lots of moms ask me about homeschooling through the years.  I'm amused by this, because I remember being the mom who had soooo  many questions for the veteran homeschoolers!  Now as my oldest is a Senior, I realize we've been formally homeschooling for 14 YEARS.

After recreating numerous emails to answer questions, I finally created a document with as much information as I could think of to pass on to those considering, new, or just looking for something different to homeschool.  So, here is Homeschooling 101 - Part A - Remember These Ten 

FIRST, every family, every child is unique.  What works for our family, may or may not work for yours.  What works for one child in your family, may or may not work for each one.  Please take that into consideration with the recommendations that I make.  They are ONLY recommendations.

SECOND, every curriculum we have used, currently use, or plan to use has a Biblical Worldview.  Not every one has a the same Biblical view.  This means you will need to pre-read & possibly do some editing, especially with younger children.  It has been very rewarding to see our sons catch the scriptural errors.

THIRD, I strongly believe in homeschool mentors & contemporaries!  This means find some homeschool moms who have been doing this for 3 – 100 years more than you.  Ask them questions, & filter what they say for how that works for your family. Also, have some friends that are currently homeschooling children close to the same age as yours.  These will be the ones who will laugh & cry with you (sometimes at the same time!).  Also, know that life & families change & grow; the mentors / contemporaries that you start with will also change along your journey. Treasure them all!

FOURTH, I have not found one curriculum / publisher that works for every subject for every grade.  Mix & match & adjustment has worked for us.  Be willing to switch as your children grow & change.  Research online, through others, & at the homeschool book fair, but don’t obsess over products that teach basic knowledge.  It may take a while as your children grow, but YOU will know what will work best for them. 

FIFTH, homeschooling does NOT have to be expensive; some families do the majority of their work through the library.  I have lots shelves of books that I’m willing to loan; & so do many other homeschoolers.  Swapping and/or reselling has worked great for us & many other families.  Also, having your children write on notebook paper instead of in a workbook is a great way to save money.  The Bible & “real books” are wonderful resources.

SIXTH, enjoy the journey! Sometimes you will want to put them on the nearest school bus.  Take a mommy timeout & PRAY!  God has given us everything we need for life & godliness & this includes discipling & educating our children.  Remember this is more than them learning their ABC’s & 123’s.  This is about them growing into a real, personal relationship with God; learning about life while you are there to guide them; learning how to handle temptation, sin, & disappointment by seeing your example; learning how to be a godly, productive person in society; learning how to relate to people of all ages & stages, not just their “peer group”.  Look to Jesus’ example of discipling as a model – he was with them every day, all day, in all situations – teaching, living, interacting with them & others & God.  Our children are our disciples that God has blessed us with!

SEVENTH, when you hear or read something that really speaks to you: write it down!  These are great for when you need encouragement or a reminder of “WHY am I doing this?” Also, pass them on to other moms.  Live the Titus 2 life; there is always someone older / more experienced that you can learn from.  There is also always someone younger / less experienced who can learn from you.

EIGHTH, you are raising your own friends.  Again, this isn’t just about education, it is so much more about relationships - parent / child; siblings; most importantly with God.

NINETH, don’t feel you have to know everything about everything.  Teach your children how to learn, how to discuss, how to ask questions.

TENTH, read God’s Word & Pray.

1 comment:

  1. Great information for your home school friends/partners!


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